Sudden Stop in Vote Reporting Suggests Election Fraud
By Harold Pease, Ph.D.
To understand the chaos in 2020 election night it is critical to revisit that of 2016. But first, all went smoothly until about 11:00 P.M. EST, Joe Biden being ahead most of the time. Suddenly eight states Florida, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada no longer reported their vote count—all with Donald Trump significantly leading in most.
Florida signaled that something was wrong when for over an hour viewers wondered why it had not been called for Trump when the uncounted vote coming from the panhandle was mostly Trump supporters. His lead could only go up. Texas had a similar story. These two, with a push from their Republican governors, were finally reported as Trump wins. These Electoral College numbers 29 and 38 shot Trump up significantly although he still remained behind Biden. Since Trump was ahead in the other six states, all led by Democrat governors, and Democrats had exhausted their reliable remaining Democrat territory excepting New Mexico, the way forward looked to benefit only Trump. Thus Republicans believe the unprecedented and in unison counting halt prevented Trump from getting the 270 necessary to win—even without Pennsylvania previously said to be essential. Who protects the uncounted votes, during the interim, from being tampered with or replaced?
So let’s review the 2016 election to get a perspective on 2020 as both involved Donald Trump. Something happened in 2016 unlike anything in American political history. Seemingly the very bowels of Hell opened and out came every viper. No presidential candidate: Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Herbert Hoover, or even Barry Goldwater, who had difficult campaigns, could measure up to what the vipers, from both parties, gave and are giving Donald Trump.
Not since Barry Goldwater in 1964, who last threatened the globalists monopoly on national or international power, have I seen the establishment turn on one man with such unity and vehemence, as it has Donald Trump.
It’s a full-court press consisting of all Democrats, the Republican establishment, including past Republican presidents George Herbert Walker Bush and son George W. Bush, who voted for Democrat presidential contender Hillary Clinton, the “Never Trumpers,” the establishment media as noted, and every globalist in the land. Also on board was the establishment press (all networks except Fox), Hollywood moguls such as Steven Spielberg, and the billionaire club notably: David Rockefeller before his death, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg. They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this alliance, and it’s in all their interests to protect one another and destroy anyone who threatens this money and power flow, thus their warfare on Trump.
Trump had miraculously survived 16 Republican contenders including Jeb Bush by funding his own primary campaign so he could not be purchased or threatened. He had not run for or held any political office. No one else could have withstood these odds. He owed no one but God for his political views. Wall Street’s globalist special interest group, The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) had no control over him. If there exists a miracle in politics it is Trump.
Why such opposition from the right also? Because no matter who was president a Clinton, two Bushes, and an Obama, the globalist agenda remained. Republicans kept electing more Republicans to end this influence but nothing ever changed. They had a long list of things that should have been corrected as Republicans retook, first the House of Representatives and then the U.S. Senate, but weren’t. The Republican base felt betrayed and establishment politicians, justly blamed, became toxic to voters. That is why Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie, and even Mike Huckabee were not able to get traction despite vast spending.
The globalists lost control of the Republican Party because Trump is the only president that could not be purchased, controlled, or at least managed. At no time in U.S. History was globalist 100-year rule challenged more than by Trump, so maintaining power meant electing Democrats. The difference between the 2016 presidential election and those before is that the media no longer veiled their open support of the Democratic Party; they, and the globalists, became the Democratic Party. It must be noted that 55 of 57 of the nation’s largest newspapers endorsed Hillary; only two endorsed Trump. The Gods of paper news, the Washington Post and the New York Times, and perhaps a hundred other papers who consistently reprint their editorials, became Hillary outlets as had the Gods of the antenna: ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN. In one echo chamber they portrayed him to be first not a real conservative, then a fascist, then incompetent, then corrupt.
Even before seated in the oval office the Obama administration spied on him at Trump Tower in New York City as he formed his government. They contrived the Russian Collusion, a coup d’état, including the 3-year Mueller Investigation which exonerated Trump. Other efforts to remove him followed including the use of Amendment 25, the Ukrainian Hoax, then followed by actual impeachment 11 months ago, to name a few. Indeed at no time in his first term was there not an issue to remove him. Again, no president has faced more efforts by these combined forces to force him from office.
Remember the globalist will do ANYTHING to remove Trump from office or, in 2020, keep him from being reelected. Their media and Democrat Party have spent four years proving this and the sudden unprecedented and in unison, ballot count stops in the middle of the night on November 3, only benefiting Biden, is probably just another one of these. Remember, given his unprecedented crowd sizes, this is by far the most popular president in American History.
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The evil globalist theme. Let’s see – CFR? UN? Bilderbergers or Davos crowd? Better yet the Bavarian Illuminati.. Getting a little Qanon feel to this article. HOW ABOUT THERE IS A PANDEMIC and mail in balloting safeguards from exposure to Covid 19. Is that legit? Seniors that can’t drive to the polls. – mail in ballots every year. Your article fuels the conspiratorial meme at best , and truly beneath you – I sense frustration. Here’s the deal, everybody’s vote counts. So ballots can be recertified and other issues are for the courts to address. We have rule of law. (Part 1)
Now did the Hillary / FBI / Steele Cabal spy on Trumps 2016 campaign with intent to undermine? clearly Fisa court violation and freedom of info released docs seem to confirm this was the case. But 2 wrongs do not make a right. The President’s statement early AM Nov 4 was off the rails for most Americans except core Trumpers. Little too early to call fraud, you think? So Harold if you want to spread propaganda feel free. You do it with subtlety, I give you credit for that. Let’s see how it goes, and hold off on guilty B4 innocent so the jury can weigh in. . On that note be thankful Senate likely to remain Republican. That is a gift from God.
(part 2)