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Tag: Dixie

Dixie Name Change

A Letter To The Editor: Remember Why You Chose Southern Utah

Dixie Name Change - I do not want my community to be like where I came from. I want our community to continue to be conservative and I helped elect our city
History of Dixie

Utah’s Dixie: History to Some, Racist to the Rest of the...

Referring to Southern Utah as Dixie may be history, heritage, and tradition to long-time residents, but to the rest of the country, and many newcomers to the area, the name is synonymous with racism, pure and simple.
Pioneer Park St. George

The Pioneer Park tragedy could have been avoided

Pioneer Park in St. George is aptly named. I feel that it is appropriate to give credit to the people who paved the way...
cartoon DSU's latest rebrand-aid

CARTOON: DSU’s latest rebrand-aid

From cartoonist Clay Jones on "DSU's latest rebrand-aid" the dark history of slavery in the real Dixie, and Dixie State University’s never-ending identity crisis. I...
Dixie State University re-branding

Dixie State University begins re-branding efforts

In an effort to appeal to fewer prospective students, Dixie State University has hired a consulting agency to assist in its efforts to re-brand...