Dixie Name Change
I do not want my community to be like where I came from. I want our community to continue to be conservative and I helped elect our city officials because I trusted them, they helped build what I loved, and to bad mouth our elected officials because they do not want a bar on every corner, I appreciate that it’s part of their job.

A Letter To The Editor: Remember Why You Chose Southern Utah

– By Roberta Trotter –

The following is in response to a recent article submitted by one of our contributors.

I do not understand why people chose St. George or Washington to live in and then they want to FIX it. You came here like I did in 2005, there were a lot of places I could have chosen like there were a lot of places you could have gone.

But, what I do not get is why you came and now you want to change things to what they were from the place you left. If you loved it so much go back to where ever it was because we want to keep our small-town feel like it was when you decided to come here.

I do not want my community to be like where I came from. I want our community to continue to be conservative and I helped elect our city officials because I trusted them, they helped build what I loved, and to bad mouth our elected officials because they do not want a bar on every corner, I appreciate that it’s part of their job.

How you can compare Home Depot or Lowe’s to a local bar is ridiculous. What happened to America that we support those we elected and treat them with respect for the job they are doing. How about 2021 we become a community of happy people, GRATEFUL for our freedom, our leaders we have elected, our Police and Firefighters that serve us tirelessly!!!

If I have complaints I better get my Fanny moving to get elected to change what I do not like, instead of tearing them down!!!

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  1. The person who wrote in to the editor about moving to this wonderful place and then wanting to change it like they had back home. I also say to them; “If you choose to join the team, don’t try to change the game rules.” We’re transplants from Arizona and have passed through St. George for the past 12 years on our way further north. We’ve chosen to live South of S.G. And the only addition that would benefit everyone in this area is a nice grocery store.its a shame to become part of the traffic congestion for the simplest of food. Just saying. Don’t care if you use my name.


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