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Tag: Don Gilman

Hiking Southern Utah: Pioneer Park

Hiking Southern Utah: Pioneer Park

To find the park, from the junction of Bluff Street and St. George Boulevard, drive west on St. George Boulevard for 0.8 miles, turn left onto East 200 North. Drive up the hill for 0.6 miles.
Hiking Southern Utah Tempi'po'op Trail Anasazi trail St. George

Hiking Southern Utah: Tempi’po’op Trail

The Tempi'po'op (tum-pee-poo-oop) trail is a delightful trek that leads to one of the richest areas of petroglyphs in the region.
Hiking southern Utah Moapa Peak

Hiking Southern Utah: Moapa Peak

The climb up Moapa peak is an unrelentingly steep, exposed, and exhausting endeavor and one that is best suited for those who are in superb shape and are comfortable with massive exposure.
Hiking Southern Utah: Owen's Loop

Hiking Southern Utah: Owen’s Loop

With clifftop views of St. George, easy and fun rock scrambling, and a moderate grade, the Owen’s Loop Trail is a fantastic semi-urban adventure that rewards the hiker with outstanding vistas without being overly difficult.
Hiking Southern Utah Mt. Belknap

Hiking Southern Utah: Mt. Belknap

Mt. Belknap, the second-highest of the Tushar peaks, makes for a relatively easy ascent of a mountain of this size. An added bonus is that the road that leads to its base is the highest road in the state.
Hiking Southern Utah: Blake-Gubler Trail

Hiking Southern Utah: Blake-Gubler Trail

Winter's snows will soon make it difficult to access this trail's higher reaches, so get out there while you still can.
Hiking Southern Utah Mill Canyon Trail

Hiking Southern Utah: Mill Canyon Trail

The Mill Canyon Trail is a spectacular hike in the Pine Valley Mountain Wilderness that leads through a narrow canyon lined with towering crags, a rich forest of fir and aspen (particularly beautiful in fall), and a seasonal stream.
Hiking Southern Utah Stoddard Mountain

Hiking Southern Utah: Stoddard Mountain

The ascent of the remote and lonely Stoddard Mountain is a largely unknown gem of a hike that whisks one straight up the side of this impressive peak.
Exploring Southern Utah: Kolob Arch & Lee Pass

Hiking Southern Utah -The Indy Top 10 Revisited

If you live in Nashville, you'd better like country music. If you live in Iowa, you'd better like corn, and if you live in Florida, you'd better like bath salts. If you live in Utah, you'd better love the outdoors!
Utah State Route 9 wildlife crossings

Utah State Route 9 wildlife crossings are a good idea

Plans are being put in place for the reconstruction of State Route 9, the Zion Canyon Corridor that is used by more than 3...