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Mustang Pass Trail

Mustang Pass Loop Trail

Need some alone time and a decent workout? If yes, this loop hike is for you. Mustang Pass Trail connecting to Mill Creek Trail/Road and Middleton Powerline
Flipping tractor tires, pulling sleds, jumping on boxes, throwing a medicine ball against a wall until you black out – now that’s exercise.

A state of laziness? I don’t think so.

Flipping tractor tires, pulling sleds, jumping on boxes, throwing a medicine ball against a wall until you black out – now that’s exercise.
Healthier Living exercise diet

The Journey to Healthier Living: Balance and moderation are important (and...

As the father of an adorable human waste factory, I’ve been going off three or four hours of sleep. Accordingly, mornings are not my...
Healthier living exercise diet

Why weight isn’t the best measuring stick

The image of a scale has become synonymous with trying to get healthier. I would dare say that the first thing most people do...
Healthier Living exercise diet

The Journey to Healthier Living

With another excessive heat warning for St. George today, I thought I’d focus on ways to beat the heat while still moving toward healthier...
Healthier living exercise diet

The Journey to Healthier Living

Weekends can be rough when you’re trying to work on healthier living. Monday through Friday we tend to have a schedule, a set routine...
healthier living exercise diet

The Journey to Healthier Living

The journey to healthier living isn’t an easy one. That said, it doesn’t have to be all that hard. Don’t force yourself into someone...
Healthier living exercise and diet

The journey to healthier living

I'm not the healthiest person on the planet, or in the state, county, city ... The Independent office ... my house? I'm not healthy....