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Tag: kanab utah

Balloons & Tunes Roundup

Renovations and Revelry: What’s Buzzing in Kane County

Kane County is preparing for a lively February, with more than just hot air balloons brightening the skies. Many local government buildings are now decades
Kanab Arts Festival

Kanab Arts Festival Features Creative Fun For All Ages

The Kanab Arts Board invites families and art lovers of all ages to the Kanab Arts Festival on October 12th at the Kanab Center.
Balloons and Tunes Roundup

Annual Balloons and Tunes Roundup Soars Over Kanab, Utah

Look to the skies as Kanab’s 10th annual Balloons and Tunes Roundup flies across the beautiful landscape of Southern Utah.
Daddy Long Legs

Redstone Theater Brings You Daddy Long Legs

Daddy Long Legs opens on February 2nd with shows through Valentine's Day on the 14th. Tickets are now available at redstonetheater.com.
Symphony of the Canyons

Symphony of the Canyons: 39 Years of Musical Magic in Kanab,...

Little did they know that this event would lay the foundation for what would become Symphony of the Canyons—a musical legacy that endures to this day.
The Historic RedStone Theater Presents Kabir “Kabeezy” Singh!

The Historic RedStone Theater Presents Kabir “Kabeezy” Singh!

Kabir “Kabeezy” Singh - Fresh off his standing ovation on NBC’s America’s Got Talent in June of 2021, but he has been a touring headliner for a decade
Celeste Meyeres

Kanab Council Member Falsely Claims Masks May Be Causing COVID-19 Spike

Councilwoman Meyeres claims that the surge in cases in Kane County may have been a result of the governor's mask mandate does not accurately reflect the process of the virus from exposure to a positive test result. 
Amazing Earthfest

November Events at Kanab’s 14th Amazing Earthfest 2020

Amazing Earthfest delves into the climate crisis, perhaps the single most important issue of our time. Deepen your understanding with an important
Dreamland Safari Tours

The Wave: An Insider’s Guide to Scoring Permits for This Famous...

You’ll want to hire a guide service like Dreamland to help you reach either of those destinations.  And what matters at the end of the day is this: regardless of where your trails will take you, you won’t be disappointed.
Kanab Rodeo

Rocky Mountain Professional Rodeo Association Finals – Kanab, Utah

Kanab, Utah will be hosting the Rocky Mountain Pro Rodeo Association Finals Rodeo on October 23 & 24, 2020!