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Tag: volunteers

St. George Marathon

Volunteer Opportunities For The 47th Annual St. George Marathon

St. George Marathon is the City’s signature annual event, taking place on the first Saturday of October. Since its first race in 1977, it has welcomed thousands
Peace Corps Volunteer

What Being a Peace Corps Volunteer is Really Like

The idea of the Peace Corps -- that volunteers could serve their country for the cause of peace by living and working in other countries
Project Protect

Southern Utah Seamstresses – Intermountain Dixie Regional Needs You!

The goal of this initiative is to manufacture personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline caregivers, including more than five million medical-grade masks. This effort, in southern Utah, will help complete the volume of masks needed.

Volunteers Needed to Help Take COVID-19 Tests in St. George

To better accommodate those who want to be tested for COVID-19, TestUtah.com, a new initiative sponsored through Silicon Slopes and in partnership with state government leaders and private corporations
SUU Southern Utah Museum of Art seeks volunteers

SUU’s Southern Utah Museum of Art seeks volunteers

Art patrons, artists, students, tourists, and area residents have seen the photos of the Southern Utah Museum of Art's ever-evolving construction site at SUU...