When the rain comes

Written by Crystal Schwalger

A while back I heard a “would you rather” question on the radio. The question was:  “Would you rather live where it rained all the time, or where it snowed all the time?” Since I grew up in Washington state where there is pretty much 300 days of rain every year, the choice was rather easy for me…rain of course. 

Are you surprised? Most people I know hate the rain. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the sun, because I do. But there is something nostalgic, mysterious and comforting about the steady beat of the rain pit-pattering on your roof and windows. I love it especially when the air is crisp and the fog lays like a fuzzy blanket over the mountains and hills. The very best thing though, is the smell of the damp earth when the sun peaks out from behind the clouds and spreads its glorious rays. That’s the thing about the rain that I love and have learned to appreciate…the sun does always come out.

Experiencing the rain and the sun is just like life. Sometimes, it feels like there is just too much rain. The days are grey and we feel like it will never end. We as moms often feel overwhelmed with life. The laundry is non-stop, kids are complaining, dishes are in the sink, and the bills are piling up. To add even more stress, many mom’s either work, are attending college, or sometimes, even both. Sometimes the rain can feel like a non-stop tropical storm. 

When you grow up and live in a place like the Pacific Northwest, you learn very quickly that life must go on. You can’t hide inside and wait for the rain to stop before you go anywhere or do anything. You have to learn to embrace it, and be like that old saying, “Life is about learning to dance in the rain.”

Everyone, no matter where they are from, or where they live, experience periods of rain in their life. For some, their rain might be financial hardships; for others their rain could be health issues, family conflicts or even death. Even addictions can feel like a deluge if we only dwell on the rain and lose all hope for the sun. We need to remember that things such as setbacks, failures, and tragedies are a natural part of life. They will only stay a raging storm in our life if we let them. 

Life coaches and other researchers have come up with a few strategies that can help all of us keep from becoming overwhelmed at everything that life throws at us. 

First of all, they say that we need to be aware of what is really causing our underlying stress. If you are completely consumed with thoughts of failure, then your brain can get fixated on that. It can become a vicious cycle where you are constantly feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. They say that time management can be a valuable tool that can help us feel less stressed. If we prioritize the things we need and have to do, that can be a valuable tool also. Not all tasks are created equal, and some are way more important than others. Don’t get bogged down in the things that don’t matter. They say we should always ask ourselves “What is the absolute BEST use of my time right now?”

Another important tool that can help us from being stressed out is that we need to stop waiting for the future before we can be happy. Many of us are stuck in the “Some Day” syndrome where we think that we can only be happy when that day comes. We can’t wait for the future to be happy, because we have absolutely no control over it. Don’t miss out on the moments happening right now. Don’t miss out on the little things that can bring us joy, like looking into our children’s eyes and seeing the love reflected there.

Another strategy to get through the rain is to stop feeling sorry for ourselves. Self pity can become a very comfortable friend if we let it. We need to let go of the past and free ourselves. We become the victim if we believe that the past is more important and powerful than the present. We need to look in the mirror and think to ourselves what it is we want in life and the kind of person we want to be. Changes start with small steps. It’s never too late to put our lives in order and to start becoming the person we want to be. 

Happiness is a choice. It really is. We can live our lives wishing for only the sun, but if we do that, we will miss out on all the wonderful things that the rain brings us. Although these periods of life are sometimes hard and we don’t want them or understand them, we can get though them. When you do, you will come out a much stronger person. In fact, when you look back on your experiences you will be amazed at what you were able to overcome. The old saying that “attitude is everything” is very true. Though it doesn’t seem like it when we are in the midst of a storm, the stretches of rain are really just a small insignificant stretch of time that will soon dissipate into sunnier skies.

Crystal Schwalger has loved writing ever since she could remember. Her love of learning led her to Dixie State University where she graduated with a degree in English and Communications. She is passionate about writing and believes that you should never give up on your dreams. She is happiest when she is at home enjoying her backyard green spaces with her family. She currently lives in Washington Utah with her husband, her children, and her dog Kali.

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