Tips for packing a healthy school lunch that's also cheap
It won’t be long before parents will begin packing kids’ lunches again.Here are some tips for packing a healthy school lunch.

Tips for packing a healthy school lunch that’s also cheap

By Zipora Einav

It won’t be long before kids will be heading back to school and parents will begin packing their lunches again. But peanut butter and jelly sandwiches only work for so long. It is easy to stick to a budget on school lunches if you plan and prepare the meals at home in advance.

Planning a menu and shopping with a list each week helps to manage your budget because you only buy what is needed rather than going to the store each day. And if the kids are old enough, let them help you prepare their lunches. That is an excellent time to have discussions with your children about nutrition.

Here are some tips for packing a healthy school lunch that’s also cheap.

—For a healthier snack, offer organic baked vegetable chips or sweet potato fries rather than buying packaged chips.

—Include organic seasonal fruit such as apples, pears, and strawberries.

—Does your child have a favorite vegetable like carrots or celery? You can include an organic hummus dip, which is offered plain or comes in several flavors. You can also add organic whole wheat crackers.

Eating healthy does not need to be expensive, and preparing the foods can be easier than most people think if they just prepare in advance and shop for healthy groceries.

Chef Zipora Einav is a private chef who has cooked for notable celebrities.

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