Globalists are praising Trump's sovereignty-destroying replacement of NAFTA — seemingly a merged agreement of the worst parts of NAFTA and TPP.
Globalists are praising Trump’s sovereignty-destroying replacement of NAFTA — seemingly a merged agreement of the worst parts of NAFTA and TPP.

Trump duped: Globalists love his new NAFTA/TPP merged agreement

No one has been more outspoken against the globalist agenda than President Donald Trump. His “America First” platform is the very antithesis of their plans for world government. This is primarily the reason why all globalists, Democrat and Republican, and all globalist media have come out of the closet to oppose him at all costs. Hence the shock when globalists are now praising his newly negotiated and rolled-out October 1, 2018 United States/Mexico/Canada sovereignty-destroying replacement of NAFTA — seemingly a merged agreement of the worst parts of NAFTA and TPP.

Most Americans viewed the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreements for what they were: sovereignty-sucking packs to undermine and destroy the independence of nation states as previous agreements had done in Europe, resulting in the European Union. Globalists, funded by the financial global elites (from the Rockefellers to George Soros) had failed previous tries at world government, notably the League of Nations and the United Nations, and concluded that loyalty to nation states is the enemy to world government — hence their decades-old strategy of consolidating regions of the globe, first economically then politically, into regional government. These then consolidated later into world government.

Trump had billed the TPP as “the worst agreement ever negotiated” and three days after his inauguration withdrew the United States as a signatory and refused further TPP negotiations. He promised to renegotiate NAFTA as well. In the Rose Garden at the October 1, 2018 rollout, Trump said, “Throughout the campaign, I promised to renegotiate NAFTA, and today we have kept that promise,”

So why are the globalists so happy with it? It looks to be a blend of the worst parts of NAFTA and TPP. According to the Huffington Post, “At least half of the men and women standing behind Trump during his Rose Garden ceremony praising the new deal were the same career service staff who negotiated nearly identical provisions in TPP, which Trump had railed against.” One of these, Trevor Kincaid, the lead negotiator for TPP, said, “It’s really the same with a new name. It’s basically the ‘22 Jump Street’ of trade deals.”

Richard N. Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations — the lead organization for world government and the most influential organization on foreign policy in both major political parties the last hundred years — tweeted his praise for the agreement: “The USMCA looks to be the trade pact formerly known as NAFTA plus 10-20%. Hope it becomes a precedent for TPP.” He later added, “What matters is that the US joins it.…” Haass, so enthused by the agreement, added the next day, “USMCA is NAFTA plus TPP plus a few tweaks. Whatever … TPP by another name.” No wonder. The lead negotiator of the agreement was CFR member Robert Lighthizer, who candidly admitted that the USMCA is “built on” many aspects of the TPP.

Christian Gomez, who spent considerable time with the 1,809-page document, wrote, “A side-by-side comparison of the USMCA and the TPP shows extensive overlap. Virtually all of the problems inherent in the TPP are likewise contained in the USMCA, such as the erosion of national sovereignty, submission to a new global governance authority, the unrestricted movement of foreign nationals, workers’ rights to collective bargaining, and regional measures to combat climate change.”

So the globalists are happy. They thought that under Trump their decades-old efforts to unite the United States, Mexico and Canada into a regional government, economically first then politically as they had the European Union, would be unraveled. Instead, globalists regained all their lost ground plus leapt forward into the areas of labor, immigration, and environment regulation, in an agreement that would handcuff the legislatures of these countries to regional law passed by unelected bureaucrats.

Gomez added, “The pact is even worse than NAFTA regarding undermining American sovereignty and self-determination, in favor of North American integration extending beyond trade to include labor and environmental policies. It is, in fact, so bad that the globalists who had lambasted Trump for renegotiating NAFTA praised him afterward.”

So much for the Constitution or national sovereignty holding them back. And Trump fell for it.

The massive size of the agreement screams “control.” Liberty is defined by the limits of the government on the individual. The management of an entire country is housed in a Constitution of only four or five pages and a Bill of Rights of a single page — not 1,809.

A real free-trade agreement could probably fit a single page and be noted for its absence of rules on trade — as it was in the early days of this republic. Let us instead disallow the rich from funding organizations designed to end our republic, destroy the Constitution, or create a world government, all of which they presently do. Such used to be called treason.

There exists no evidence that Trump really supports globalism — everything else he has done suggests otherwise. But he has clearly been duped. Getting him to disavow that what he said was so “incredible” will not be easy, but he must if he sincerely decries world government and supports America First. If not, he will be credited with instigating “the worst agreement ever negotiated” — a government over our own.

The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.

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