Win Permits To Hike The Wave!
– By James McFadden –
A Window of Opportunity: For those who visit Southwest Utah, “winning the Lottery” in Kanab has nothing to do with money but instead is about a unique once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: the chance to hike, explore and photograph the world-famous Wave.

Carved deep within the living rock, the primordial magic of this unique desert fairyland fires the imagination. It compels a pilgrimage of potential hikers who often build their entire vacation around a Wave hike or the mere possibility of winning the last-minute Wave walk-in permit lottery. In 2019 alone, the number of hopefuls for both online and walk-in lotteries combined skyrocketed to a staggering 200,589 people for 7,300 permits!
If these odds seem daunting, there’s hope on the horizon. The pandemic may have rewritten the rules of travel and thrown the whole world for a loop, but right now is an excellent time to try your luck at the Wave Lottery.
While Americans are already starting to travel abroad again, international visitors have not returned to the US. That means that the number of Wave applications are lower than they were before.
Those who missed the chance to secure advance online permits for the Wave are also not too keen on spending mornings in Kanab to attend the last-minute walk-in lottery; top-rated guide service Dreamland Safari Tours offers the ideal solution! Their fully guided Wave ‘Conditional’ Tour.

For this full-day adventure, the team at Dreamland Safari Tours will attend the Wave walk-in lottery on your behalf the day before your hike. If they win — which is not ever guaranteed — that’s great: you’ll get to visit the geologic marvel that proves elusive to so many!
Even if Dreamland Safari Tours’ bid for last-minute Wave permits is unsuccessful, you will get to see an amazing, out-of-this-world desert destination nonetheless. Alternate destinations for Dreamland’s Wave ‘Conditional’ Tour are South Coyote Buttes and White Pocket, both of which are as visually stunning as the Wave yet much further off the beaten path than the Wave, and as such largely out of the public’s eye. We’ve speculated in the past that White Pocket is on the brink of becoming the next Wave.
So… if the Wave is on your bucket list: now is your time to get serious about making it happen before US borders reopen and the permit lottery gets busy with international visitors again! For help with last-minute walk-in Wave permits, call Dreamland at 435-644-5506 or go ahead and book one of their Wave tours online at www.dreamlandtours.net.