Western Legends Round Up expands to include BBQ competitionThe 19th annual Western Legends Round Up will take place in Kanab Aug. 21–26. Billed as “a celebration of film, music, poetry, and western heritage,” the week features several events including a backyard barbecue competition sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbeque Society Aug. 26. There is a $50 entrance fee per team.

Western Legends Round Up will offer day-long wagon train activities like the Tenderfoot All-Day Wagon Train Ride as well as week-long wagon train activities such as the Pioneer Wagon Train Trek. Tickets range in price from $300 to $950.

The Bellamy Brothers will perform Aug. 26 from 7 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $40.

Tickets can be purchased at westernlegendsroundup.com.

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