Donald Trump political cartoon

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Burning For Trump,” why it’s too late for Republicans to stop Donald Trump, and why they are voting for Hillary

A lot of Republicans are vowing they won’t support or even vote for Trump. Some are even saying they’ll support Hillary. Many are even burning their voter registration cards. I say give them a month, or less. They’ll come around.

I don’t know if I’ve ever had a voter registration card. If I did, I lost it immediately. I’ve needed one to vote, but then again, I’m a white guy. Also, I have only voted in two states in my life, and both are open primaries.

I find it bizarre that these Never Trump people are so surprised. Where were they two years ago when Trump was on his birther kick? None of them tried to knock him or the lie down. That would have been a good time to Stop Trump.

They say the Never Trump people got a late start. I agree. They started about two years too late.

A couple years ago, the number of Republican voters believing Obama was foreign-born and a Muslim was extremely high. The GOP didn’t refute or condemn that falsehood. They let it linger out of their sheer, blind hatred for the president. Now they wonder how they got stuck with a KKK-endorsed reality show host — whose only platform is bigotry, racism, and sexism — as their nominee.

Republicans love to say how deep their field of candidates was this year. There were 17 of those nut jobs. If you cultivated an atmosphere of hatred that a field so deep and talented is, well … trumped by Trump, what does that say about your party?

Republicans have spent the past decade, longer actually, as a party of covert racists that cultivated and invited racists. Now they’re surprised racists have taken over.

Burning crosses one day. Burning down your house the next.


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