State Route 9, aka The Donald J. Trump National Park Highway?
Rep. Mike Noel, the closest thing to the Grinch we have in real life after Dick Cheney, will attempt to push a vote on H.B. 481 Donald J. Trump Utah National Parks Highway Designation today — the last day of the 2018 session. He wants to rename State Route 9, the road that winds through Springdale and Zion National Park to Mt. Carmel Jct. and sections of the roads leading into Bryce Canyon and Capital Reef.
This is on the heels of the New York Times revealing that Bears Ears National Monument was on Big Oil’s sacrificial altar before Secretary Zinke put on his little show pretending to care about public comment.
Doesn’t the thought of having his name associated with SR-9 feel like having a portrait of one’s rapist hanging on the living room wall? One cannot help but wonder if this is as close as something named Trump will get to anything described with the word “virgin.”
Here are email addresses for all the committee members on the bill in a format that is easy to copy and paste into an email address field. Petitioners should refer to HB0481:,,,,,,,,
There are no direct email addresses for Reps. Stewart E. Barlow, Keven J. Stratton, Timothy D. Hawkes. Rather, petitioners should visit the following addresses:
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