illegal immigrants
For those who sympathize with the plight of illegal immigrants on humanitarian grounds, Biden’s Drug Enforcement Agency Administrator Anne Milgram provides a dose of cold reality, illustrating the dangers of unfettered illegal immigration.

Biden Breaks His Own Illegal Immigrant Record

– By Howard Sierer –

Pres. Biden’s open-door policies at our southern border have attracted 1.94 million illegal immigrants through July with two months to go in the fiscal year, breaking his previous record of 1.66 million for all of fiscal year 2021. This year’s number alone exceeds Trump’s combined total of 1.80 million over all four years of his term.

Biden’s decision last year to cancel Trump’s “remain in Mexico” for asylum seekers is coming home to roost. About one million of this fiscal year’s immigrants have been allowed to stay in this country, waiting for their asylum claims to be adjudicated, a process that typically takes several years. In the meantime, they live freely in our cities even though they arrived illegally.

Vice Pres. Harris’ trip last year to Central America to drum up support to address the “root causes” of illegal immigration has been exposed as the pure political theater it was intended to be.

Biden’s intent to essentially eradicate our southern border became clear when he attempted to end Trump’s implementation of the Title 42 health law that allowed Trump’s administration to bar immigrants during the COVID pandemic in 2020. The courts have prevented Biden’s action.

Ironically, the attempt to terminate Title 42 came not from the Department of Homeland Security, responsible for securing our borders, but from the thoroughly-politicized Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is the same CDC that, in response to teachers’ unions, mandated public school closings and even tried to prevent renter evictions during the pandemic; neither action lies within its legal authority.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Biden has extended a student loan repayment pause through the end of the year, supposedly because of the same pandemic. So which way is it? Illegals don’t pose a COVID threat, but because of the pandemic, student loan borrowers need an extended time period to begin repayments.

The Biden administration flies illegals awaiting asylum hearings, at taxpayer expense, to cities around the country. These flights take place at night without advance notice to avoid the negative publicity that would inevitably arise in “target” states from Massachusetts and Pennsylvania to Colorado and Washington.

All this has been typical of the Biden administration for the last 19 months: a jumbled hodgepodge of conflicting actions.

Texas and other border states have been overwhelmed with the influx of illegal immigrants. State resources have been pushed beyond the breaking point, and appeals to the Biden administration have been fruitless.

Responding to this immigration mess, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott wins this year’s prize for a creative political move, one that exposes progressive hypocrisy in Washington D.C. and New York City. Both claim to be “sanctuary cities” where illegal immigrants will be protected and cared for. New York City even proposed allowing non-citizens to vote in city elections until the courts slapped that down.

Abbott’s innovation: he’s sent busloads of illegal immigrants to Washington D.C. and to New York City. But unlike Biden’s stealth offloading of immigrants in the middle of the night, Abbott’s daytime arrivals and places are well advertised in advance. Local television and newspapers are there in force to meet the illegal immigrants, all of whom had volunteered to go.

Former New York Gov. David Paterson, a Democrat, marveled that the Texas governor had come up with “one of the most brilliant political strategies I’ve heard in a long time.”

Needless to say, the two mayors are upset about Abbott calling their bluffs since many of their citizens are none too happy about the publicized drain on their taxes, including welfare benefits, social services, schooling for more children, ER visits for the uninsured and of course, more demands on police officers.

Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser activated the National Guard to deal with what she calls a “tipping point” humanitarian crisis. She’s called on the federal government for help, and since she’s a Democrat, unlike Abbott, she’ll get the help.

When NYC Mayor Eric Adams complained at a press conference, Abbott responded: “New York is a sanctuary city. Mayor Adams said that they welcome in illegal immigrants, but now that they have to deal with the reality of it, they’re suddenly flummoxed and cannot handle it.”

Since spring, Texas has sent 7,000 illegal immigrants to Washington D.C., and starting last month, 900 more to New York. They’ve been joined by busloads from Arizona. The mayors complained about a “massive influx” of immigrants for which they are unprepared. Abbott responded that Texas gets that many illegal immigrants every day.

For those who sympathize with the plight of illegal immigrants on humanitarian grounds, Biden’s Drug Enforcement Agency Administrator Anne Milgram provides a dose of cold reality, illustrating the dangers of unfettered illegal immigration. “What we see happening at DEA is essentially that there are two cartels in Mexico, the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, that are killing Americans with fentanyl at catastrophic and record rates like we have never seen before.”

According to an NPR/Ipsos poll last month, “Over half of American adults believe it is either completely or somewhat true that the U.S. is experiencing an invasion at the southern border. Moreover, half believe there is at least some truth to the view that migrants bringing fentanyl and other illegal drugs over the southern border are responsible for the increases of overdoses in the U.S.”

Will Pres. Biden and Democratic politicians finally acknowledge that we have a border problem? Or will they continue to change the subject, hoping voters won’t notice? A University of Texas spirit song sums it up: “The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You” as are a lot of other eyes around the country.

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  1. You know something Howard? You are correct. IMHO, we should deport EVERY SINGLE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT AND ALL OF THEIR DESCENDANTS that have ever come into this land that we now call the United States. Just one question. Where do you and your family plan on going. I’ve got news for you. Except for the indigenous peoples here, we are ALL unwelcome immigrants. Every single one of us that are descendants of people that came ashore over the last 400 years are the sons and daughters of peoples that were not welcome here. How do you think this country was built. It was built on the backs of those same hardworking people that came here for a better life. But then you might say that yes, but now a lot of them are drug dealers, killers, rapists or whatever. Do some history research. A whole lot of the people that came here from the European countries were not exactly of the finest ilk either. Those countries were all to happy to get rid of them. Oh but then you might say yes, but look at all the welfare monies going to these illegal migrants. Once again, I implore you to do some research. Just exactly what do you call things in the 1800’s like the Oklahoma land rush. Our government gave these descendants of “Unwanted Migrants” free land to build their future on. Is there really any difference? I think not. And then you may bring up that not all of us are descendants of unwanted migrants. Wrong again pal. Those unwanted migrants then formed a nation and passed laws making it LEGAL for their descendants to come here. Really…illegal aliens passing laws to make what they did legal?

    So now I ask you once again Howie. Now that we have established that every single non-indigenous person in this country is the descendant of unwanted immigrants….WHERE WILL YOU BE MOVING TO?

    • Michael, I am a long time supporter of substantially increased LEGAL immigration and have written several columns over the past years advocating it. I believe LEGAL immigrants have and will continue to make significant contributions to our country and are for the most part hard-working and responsible citizens. Sadly, those waiting in line for their LEGAL immigration applications to be processed are being treated as fools by the Biden administration. To repeat an often used phrase, what part of the word “illegal” don’t you understand?

      I make no defense for how Native Americans were treated.

  2. I am impressed by Michael Super’s reply. Perhaps it will open up the severely closed, narrow minded thought processes in Mr. Sieres’s brain. Perhaps though, Mr Sierer enjoys his continuing “fame” in the Independent by publishing angry narrow minded articles. Really, why should he publish helpful or useful thoughts when negative and angry thoughts are so much more valuable?

  3. Rick, you are too easily impressed. As you should recall, I have been a long time advocate of increased LEGAL immigration. What part of the word “illegal” don’t you understand?

    • And sir, what part of “We are all illegal immigrants” don’t you understand. As I stated in my first post, none of our ancestors were invited to come here by the indigenous people. That, by definition, makes us all illegal.


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