2020 Election
2020 Election – This election is no longer about Joe Biden and Donald Trump but is about the integrity of every American.

Integrity and the Constitution Can Yet Give an Honest 2020 Election

– By Harold Pease, Ph.D. –

Even with the most political censorship in U.S. History people of integrity know that the 2020 presidential election was the most fraudulent in our history. Opponents first said, “Show us the evidence.” When shown they next admitted, “Okay, there was fraud, but not enough to change the outcome.” When hundreds of whistleblowers, many Democrats, surfaced and millions of Americans viewed captured videos of filmed corruption in nightly news broadcasts showing otherwise, that lie evaporated. Thousands either participated in it or witnessed it. When corruption could no longer be denied the narrative changed to, “It is too late to do anything about it!! Accept the election!” But if you accept fraud to any degree, aren’t you participating in it?

This election is no longer about Joe Biden and Donald Trump but is about the integrity of every American. Sadly the U.S. Supreme Court bought the line that it was too late and themselves violated the Constitution by refusing to hear the evidence presented by Texas and seven sister suing states. States suing other states have no other recourse than the Supreme Court. They damaged the Constitution by effectively removing this portion out of the document. If eight states and the president have “no standing” who does? No one!!

We were told this was the last deliberative body that could address this election. The people were left with two bad choices, accept fraudulency or revolt. These justices, unless they accept one of several cases still pending, especially Pennsylvania, will stand in infamy as the worst in U. S. History because they should have resolved the issue but didn’t. Fortunately, the Constitution gives us yet another option for an honest and free 2020 presidential election.

Presumably, the president of the Senate, Mike Pence, has received all certified election results from all states due December 23, as required by federal law. This is followed on January 6 by a joint meeting of Congress to count and declare a winner. In this meeting, the electors of any state can be challenged by legislators of either body. At this point the process follows The Election Count Act of 1887 as follows:

“Objections to individual state returns must be made in writing by at least one Member each of the Senate and House of Representatives. If an objection meets these requirements, the joint session recesses, and the two houses separate and debate the question in their respective chambers for a maximum of two hours. The two houses then vote separately to accept or reject the objection. They then reassemble in joint session and announce the results of their respective votes (Constitution Daily, December 15, 2020, Scott Bomboy).

Because of widespread election fraud, several members of the House have announced their intention to object to the election results of at least Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and perhaps Arizona and Nevada as well. A change in three would change the November 3 outcome. Senators objecting are yet to be announced. Results from each state must be considered and resolved individually before proceeding alphabetically to the next state beginning with Alaska then Arizona, and so on. Objections require Congress to separate for 2 hours of debate in each body and in each state objected to before rejoining with results—perhaps six times. If so, the 2020 presidential election could take several days.

Since seven of these state legislatures, including New Mexico, forwarded two slates of electors to the Electoral College, one for each candidate, Congress is forced to decide which is the legitimate count, or neither. Section 2 of the Electoral Count Act requires each state to have conducted its election obedient to existing state and federal law. Most of these states arbitrarily changed the law ignoring standing law and their state legislatures who made that law. It also required disputes regarding what would be submitted to the Electoral College on December 8, to be resolved “at least six days before the electors vote,” December 14 (June 25, 1948, ch. 644, 62 Stat. 673). This deadline, December 8, extended to them “safe harbor” status, because they had followed the law and there was no dispute as to electors voting for them, Congress would not reject their electoral voters. Since most of the contending states cannot claim “safe harbor” protection, forcing Congress to be in effect an arbitrator, they invite being thrown out.

This is not without precedent, Democrats used the Electoral Count Act in January 2005 in an unsuccessful attempt to throw out Ohio’s electoral votes for George W. Bush. Democrats, Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones, and Senator Barbara Boxer each objected alleging “they were not in all known circumstances regularly given.” Regularly given encompass corruption, fraud or “may also include situations where the elector did not vote in accordance with applicable constitutional and statutory requirements” (Wikileaks, The Electoral Count Act, “Regularly given”).

Today actual fraud has been viewed by millions in televised news clips and testimonies of hundreds of whistleblowers. Moreover, Democrats have not denied that they did not follow existing law, which The Election Count Act of 1887 requires for seating their electors. So if there remains any integrity in the House of Representatives they, with the Senate, will reject the electors gaining position due to fraud.

Forget the political party. Integrity is more important. State legislatures honored the Constitution in rejecting the fraudulent electors in their states, sending in the second slate of delegates not elected by illegal ballots. Will Congress seat them? We should have enough integrity in Congress to easily have vast majorities in both houses; but do we? We will see January 6. The Constitution gives people with integrity one more option for an honest 2020 election.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org.

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  1. Oh, please, give it up, Mr. Pease! Trump lost. You can paint it however you like but we have a new president in January, and the nation will be better for it.

    • Hi Lisa.
      Go figure, I see this morning Dr. Pease’s opinion has a whopping total of 12 likes and 6 negative comments. So, are we doing good?
      Rick Miller

  2. Your bio says you are an expert on the United States Constitution. Highly doubtful sir. There has been no proof, nada, nil, nothing provided in any of these courts. All there has been is speculation and lies, including that which was given to Scotus. What you and your ilk are trying to insinuate is that literally thousands and thousands of hard working volunteers across the entire nation, including many who professed allegiance to the Republican party were part of a HUGE conspiracy to deny the most narcissistic, self-absorbed, incompetent person to ever inhabit the oval office a second term. In addition, every one of the judges who heard this nonsense, and state officials, including governors and state attorneys’ general of predominantly red states were also in on the conspiracy. I would seriously advise you to get a clue Mr. Constitution expert. His own people, including Mr. Barr has stated that there was no fraud.

  3. I don’t recall ever reading such a concentrated piece of hogwash in my life. Get a life, Mr. Pease. Get out of your right-wing bubble and open your mind to a little truth. Your kind of thinking is the greatest threat to our democracy (yes, it is a democracy) out there. No fraud has been proven, no Democratic conspiracy exists. Get off your crackpot perch. You’re losing it.

  4. I find it odd that Trump claims voter fraud in the swing states he lost. That all the states he carried were completely accurate, All mail in votes were secure, and Every volunteer completed their vote counts without error!
    And also nothing was said about the down ballot votes for Republicans in the swing states. Shouldn’t they be nullified?
    What I understand you to say is any vote not for a Republican must be thrown out.
    If there is proof of voter fraud then it needs to be presented. Not just bluster from disgruntled Trump attorneys under the cult spell of the worst human being ever to hold the highest office in America.
    Get over it. This country needs to heal the wounds inflicted over the last four years.

    • Great comment Ms. Burroughs. I really wish the conspiracy theorists would take that into consideration but they won’t. It would really be interesting to find out just how many ballots on November 3 were cast for every republican on the ticket EXCEPT for the presidency. That should speak volumes about this election but alas, I am afraid it would all fall on deaf ears.

  5. Integrity and the 2020 Presidential Election
    It is apparent that this opinion piece by Dr. Harold Pease is meant to be satire. We all know about those liberal college professors from California.

    First of all, there is no way to use the word integrity together with Donald Trump. They are at two opposite ends of the spectrum.

    Secondly, considering the 60 lawsuits that were filed by Trump’s “elite attorney group”, all but one was rejected by various courts, up to and including the Supreme Court. Many of these rejections were made by Trump appointed judges who pointed out that there was no evidence presented to support these lawsuits, many were poorly written, and some were borderline frivolous. The only successful suit was granted for a procedural process of deadline extensions in Pennsylvania.

    Dr. Pease, a self-proclaimed expert on the US Constitution could not possibly believe that all of these judicial decisions were incorrect, unless there is something else going on here.

    So, I did a bit of checking with a Mr. Roger Stone, a Mr. George Soros and a Mr. Hugo Chavez. They all claim on a stack of bibles, that they were not involved with, and donated no funds what-so-ever to these multiple court decisions.

    Thirdly, there are in fact, a number of reported election related irregularities. Attempts were made to install fake drop-off containers for ballots in California. Numerous attempts were made to illegally prevent voter registration and to disenfranchise registered voters, especially in some southern and upper midwestern states. Polling locations were also closed in some states. Attempts were made to void or eliminate perfectly legal mail in or absentee ballots. Oh, wait…these were all attempts to hinder legal voting and were made by Republican groups. My Bad!

    Fourthly. Donald Trump was elected in 2016 to “drain the swamp”. One of the important features of a actual swamp is that it supports an amazing diversity of life. What has happened is that Mr. Trump has turned it into a cancerous cesspool. Constant lying, bribery, corruption, total lack of loyalty, indictments and some convictions, nepotism and overall arrogance has become the norm.

    Fifthly, the historical precedents and legal statutes mentioned by Dr. Pease are valid. However, if there is no verifiable evidence of proof of election fraud, except by Republicans, this is a white elephant. It serves no point other than to create animosity and divisiveness throughout the country. And, I ask, why do this to support a person who has the mentality of a spoiled child, who does nothing but lie to the American public, has no moral fiber, and no loyalty whatsoever to anyone besides himself. He has abdicated his responsibilities by ignoring the serious cyber threat made by the Russians (Solar Winds). Instead of being re-elected he needs to be put on trial for negligent homicide in the deaths of over 320,000 Americans from COVID-19.

  6. Dr. Pease: I for one am embarking on a crusade against buzz words and slogans that bastardize the meaning of the words themselves.
    Examples: Integrity, The Constitution, I love God, I support law enforcement (Yea, me too), Make America great (…Again???) and all the other veiled attempts to convey a radical, nationalistic agenda that favors only a limited minority of society.
    We are one nation. I pledge that the divisiveness that has been promoted by fundamentalist beliefs, that have no basis in the facts needed by our young representative form of democratic government ,shall be exposed for the self interests that they embody.
    That belief centers on greed. “Experts” and words such as values have nothing to do with the studies of right and wrong. Let’s get on the right side of right.


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