I was sold as a child bride in polygamy. I had nine pregnancies and six living births by the time I was 23. Please consider the following about polygamy.
I was sold as a child bride in polygamy. I had nine pregnancies and six living births by the time I was 23. Please consider the following about polygamy.

Letter to the editor: Polygamy a choice?

Freedom of sexual choice should include the financial responsibility that goes with that choice. For decades polygamy has been financed by literally millions of taxpayer dollars.

Taxpayers have been forced to “foot the bill” for thousands of illegitimate children. Taxpayers pay for polygamist community schools that indoctrinate but don’t educate and taxpayers feed the hungry and house the homeless left in the wake of polygamy.

Leaders of polygamist communities create financial ( and so-called religious) empires by using indoctrinations of fear and eternal damnation to force compliance of the ignorant, whose sole purpose is to provide more free tax dollars, more free labor, and more child brides.

The public seems to be totally unaware that polygamist women must choose to live polygamy or suffer “eternal damnation”. The only recourse for eternal damnation is “Blood Atonement” or “Honor Killings” to save one’s soul. There is no choice in religious polygamy. These terrifying doctrines can be found in Vol. 4 of the Journal of Discourses in the LDS Church archives.

Even polygamists in Mexico keep their American citizenship and continue to collect welfare and other American tax dollars while they enjoy their ” right to breed.”

Fumarase disease (caused by inbreeding) is the highest in the world in polygamist families in Utah-Arizona. (see Dr. Tardy’s Fumerouse disease reports). Deformed and retarded children bring in higher tax dollar payments.

The public seems entirely unaware that they are witnessing a mass epidemic of Stockholm syndrome when they see women endorsing polygamy. Even a prisoner in a concentration camp won’t testify against the guards while those guards have access to their children and the law will always give him access to the children, even if she dares to leave.

If polygamy is considered no more than a choice’ then demand that women identify the father of their children  (and require blood tests) when they apply for welfare. Protect women. Don’t put them in the middle. Let the state prosecute the men for none payment of child support. Force polygamist men to finance their own children, even when their money is held in the name of a Church or business that endorses and teaches polygamy. Follow the money trail and put the financial responsibility on those who have created it.

Choose to hold polygamist fathers responsible for their own choices

I have more than ample evidence to back up this information.

I am polygamist born and raised. I have relatives in almost every polygamist group.

I am fully aware of the indoctrination and the money trail inside of polygamy’s “religion.” Please stop financing the slavery of women and children. Choose to put the responsibility and the cost of that responsibility, back onto the men who are creating it. Legalizing abuse based on external damnation and blood atonement won’t stop it, but putting the cost back onto those who created it will slow it down.

I am white and blonde. I was born a slave, sold as a slave, and bred as a slave in the United States of America, all in the name of a religion that required my obedience or my eternal damnation. Slavery knows no color. Polygamist born children are not the ones who should be apologizing for their slavery.

I was sold as a child bride in polygamy. I had nine pregnancies and six living births by the time I was 23.

Please consider the following facts in your decisions about polygamy.

Changing the law won’t change polygamy. If polygamists obeyed the laws, there would be no polygamy.

Polygamy a choice? Women would risk their lives if they “chose” to have several husbands. Laws don’t change indoctrination or fear. Laws don’t even protect a woman’s children from their father’s legal visitation rights.

Laws are powerless until they enforce responsibility. Make men financially responsible for their own breeding habits and polygamy will shrink, Women and children will be safer and our tax dollars can quit financing the organized crime carried out in the name of religion.

Please see beyond the propaganda. The future of slavery in the name of religion will expand or decrease by the decisions you support. Please reconsider the consequences of pretending that polygamy is a choice. It is a commandment enforced by those who would never submit to sharing their own one-and-only mate. I am the product of three generations of polygamy.

Rebecca Kimbel

The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.

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  1. “Taxpayers have been forced to “foot the bill” for thousands of illegitimate children.” – They are denied legal marriage, but then people complain about “illegitimate children”. You can’t have it both ways. Give them the means to be responsible and legalize their marriages. Or better yet, lets just get the government out of the marriage business.

  2. “The public seems entirely unaware that they are witnessing a mass epidemic of Stockholm syndrome when they see women endorsing polygamy.” – Obviously wrong. One just has to look at the Browns on the “Sister Wives” TV show to see that there are women who endorce polygamy who are not victims of mind control.

    • DNA testing should be required with every welfare check. Fathers..ALL fathers, single or married, should be held responsible for THEIR breeding rights. NOT THE TAX PAYERS, When those fathers assets are held in the name of a church that endorses polygamy, THAT CHURCH should be held financially responsible for the Costs of Polygamy, not the tax payers. Responsibility SHOULD BE on those who crated it. Freedom of choice is NOT a choice when somebody else has to foot the bill.
      Kody Brown’s wife Christine is my cousin. She AND her sister wives ALL admit that it is hurtful knowing he is having sex with another wife. Kody declares bankruptcy every five years in the name of a different wife. Kody’s wives have been indoctrinated to believe they will loose their eternal salvation if they don’t live polygamy.IT IS NOT GOD WHO CREATED DUAL STANDARDS.Kody’s wives are about as happy as Kody would be if he had to share his only wife with a BROTHER HUSBAND.

  3. The Church of Jesus Christ has not practiced polygamy in over a hundred years. I wish you would use the correct name of the groups that do today and pictures of their leaders when discussing the things that they are doing involving polygamy. As far as Church doctrine when polygamy was practice or at any time in Church history, I don’t believe they ever practiced “blood atonement” or “honor killings”. These are phrases used to inflame hatred and distrust towards members of the Church over the years.

    • Mormonism in the twenty-first century has evolved from a truly repressive and violent culture which demanded blood atonement of gentiles suspected of being spies for the army or who originated from the wrong state, ( see Schindler 1993: 176 c. A Mormon Chronicle, Volume 1: 68 – 69 ). Hosea Stout provides the following information ‘This evening several persons disguised as Indians entered Henry Jones house and dragged him out of bed with a whore and castrated him by a square & close amputation’ ( see Hosea Stout Diary, Saturday 27 Feb 1858 ). The following year Henry and his mother were murdered. The night prior to the murder a secret council was held in Bishop Hancock’s house……..About 8 o’clock in the evening of the murder the company gathered at Bishop Hancock’s……( see The Mormon Delusion, Volume 1, The Truth Behind Polygamy and Secret Polyandry, by Jim Whitefield, published by Lulu Press Inc, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2009, pp, 174 – 175 ). For information regarding Blood Atonement and Mormon Murders, see The Mormon Delusion, Volume 3, Discarded Doctrines and Nonsense Revelations, by Jim Whitefield, published by Lulu Press Inc, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2009, section 4 ).

  4. Also try reading quotes from Brigham Young in Volume 4 of The Journal of Discourses and you’ll see A LOT of Blood Atonement doctrine.


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