Peace & Love, We Need It Now More Than Ever
Ringo Starr wasn’t the clever Beatle. That was John Lennon, the sublime wordsmith of the band and major social commentator.
He wasn’t the mysterious one. That was George Harrison, who was deep into Eastern philosophy and religion.
And, he wasn’t the most melodious. That would be Paul McCartney, who continues to be one of the major forces in rock ‘n’ roll.
No, he is simply little Richard Starkey, who fell in with three other lads from Liverpool whose only ambition was to make a joyous noise.
Starr is often wrongly overlooked as a drummer. He spent a lot of years in the shadow of his bandmates. He got by with a little help from his friends, of course, but we have seen him emerge as somebody with a serious message that remains timeless.
Starr turns 80 today, a milestone event, to be sure, and he plans a proper, socially distant celebration on YouTube tonight with some of his buddies – brother-in-law Joe Walsh, Sheryl Crow, Sheila E., Gary Clark Jr., Ben Harper, and, of course, McCartney. They will all offer up unseen video from live performances. It will be a virtual concert, of sorts, but the thing is, Ringo’s annual birthday bash will still carry the theme he has boosted since all those years ago: peace and love.
And, if ever there was a time we needed to be reminded of that, now is the time.
Over the past couple of days, I heard from a couple of friends who were not treated very well by their St. George neighbors.
One, a fellow news reporter, wrote a piece that a number of folks took issue with that resulted in feedback that was vile and vicious.
Another, a young mother with two children, was at a store where she was verbally abused for wearing a facemask.
In the first instance, you must understand that all of the anti-media sentiment going on right now is really nothing new. By definition, most news is simply reporting on things others do not wish to go public. But, there is a sacred trust, of sorts, for those of us in the business, to seek truth and bring it forth. I know many who disagree with that, but in its essence, dog bites man is not a story. It happens all the time. Man bites dog? That’s another matter, something completely out of the ordinary. Fake news? A fake misnomer for those who haven’t a clue.
As somebody who has been slinging words together for quite some time now, I have had my share of nasty comments and wishes. It can be difficult, to be sure. In fact, it can be debilitating, especially when the hatred and ignorance can be so personal as to blackball family members from employment and to be physically threatened. I can tell you from personal experience that it is quite disconcerting to be walking through the grocery store and be approached by a stranger, not knowing if they were going to be gracious or about to unleash some loud and hurtful comments in your direction.
As far as the attack on my friend at the grocery store, well, that is unbelievable. She was doing what she, and science, by the way, believe to be prudent during this pandemic.
Look, this is a tough time for all of us.
This whole business of Covid-19 has put us on edge, the confinement, the uncertainty, the ridiculous speculation, the politicization of it all.
I would like to say that wearing a mask is a personal decision, that you do your thing and I do mine, but I cannot. Not wearing a mask is simply one of the most inconsiderate things you can possibly do. True, they are not 100 percent effective, but they do, as science has proven, reduce the chances significantly and we all want the odds in our favor. And, while you may object because you don’t like the idea of the government holding such control, well then I must ask, do you have a driver’s license? Did you get a marriage license when you wed? Do you buy a deer tag for hunting season? Do you have a Social Security card? Do you have a license plate on your car?
I know wearing a mask is uncomfortable, but I worry not only about myself but others as well. And, so should you. Look, life isn’t a situation of every man, woman, and child for themselves. We’re all in this together and if we don’t look out for each other, who else will?
We cannot simply take, take, take and never give, and we cannot ridicule, demean, or threaten somebody for what they think, what they say. Sometimes, we have to make concessions, do things we may disagree with for the greater good. Wearing a mask is for the greater good. Reporting truth is for the greater good. Being a decent human being is for the greater good.
That’s why Ringo’s annual birthday bash theme of “peace and love” resonates so deeply with me this year.
He didn’t write many songs during his career, certainly nowhere as many as Lennon-McCartney, but this one has a depth some of the others cannot approach, as evidenced in these couple of verses from “It Don’t Come Easy”:
Open up your heart, let’s come together
Use a little love
And we will make it work out better…
Peace, remember peace is how we make it
Here within your reach
If you’re big enough to take it…
Maybe not as noted as Lennon’s “Imagine,” McCartney’s “Yesterday,” or Harrison’s “Isn’t It A Pity,” but a heartfelt plea to humankind that we would all do well to heed.
Ringo Starr will long be remembered as a member of one of the most influential, important, culturally iconic bands in the world.
My birthday wish for him, is that the world takes to heart his words of peace and love.
God knows we can use it now.
Happy birthday, Ringo.
Peace and love.
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BE A PATRIOT – SAVE 40K+ AMERICANS – WEAR A MASK – Also lowering future hospital bills is a secondary outcome.
Beautiful article and such an important message!
Watch “Yes, You Can Get Covid-19 Twice” on YouTube. Peak Prosperity – reliable source. Dr. Chris Martensen. Link above.
Should be in SG news ya think? Maybe tomorrow. For now the truth of the severity of this pandemic will be hidden in the STG independent comment section. Meanwhile SGNews can keep writing fluff stories how case counts are trending down etc…
Wa County Woman 24-45 just died in last 24 hours We have anti maskers in Utah setting up flash mobs at grocery stores via Facebook. Recent Dixie rally on Thurs no social distancing 1/2 not wearing masks… The good news is LDS church taking firmer stand. What is rock bottom. Depends on when minimally 80% wearing masks.
Scientific studies are ongoing. Currently this recent study in Spain is the best to date and extensive. Politicians as well as old media reports dated 1- 2 weeks+ may be touting herd immunity as the next step as cases rise. This is simply false hope based on the latest scientific evidence. Science not political discourse is the answer.