Sheltering In Place - My Life is on Hold
Sheltering in place by Bruce Plante, Tulsa World

Sheltering In Place

Well, so I guess schools back on? Whatever happened to spring break being extended for a week? Don’t we get one more week to figure out this whole ‘My Life is On Hold‘ way of life? Now in addition to working from home, I have to get my kids set up on their computers to go to school from, well, their computers! Now don’t get me wrong, I actually got one of my degrees from the University of Pheonix ‘online’ and did just fine but it takes some SERIOUS discipline. OMG, how the hell am I going to keep my kids from going insane??!!!

It’s all well and good when they can swish here and tap there and listen to this and watch that and, and, and… The problem is, it’s everything we can do as parents to get them to sit in front of that screen TO WORK! Yea, I think I’m freaking out…

So what are YOU doing to figure this all out or are you feeling the same as me? I gotta work, this is what I do, from home, on my computer, almost all day long. It’s routine for me, but them? OMG, I’m not going to get anything done!!!

Ok people, it’s time for some comments below. Would someone please tell me it’s going to be ok?! Yea, I know it’s going to be ok, but holy guacamole, I think it’s going to suck for a little while, and I’m just going to have to figure out how to be ok with that…


Good luck everyone, or as they say in online gaming… GLHF

It’s a wonderful day to be a parent!!!

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