overseedingAs many of us know from living in southern Utah and Mesquite, year after year, overseeding our favorite golf courses is an annual event. It’s a bit of a bummer but necessary because we love the lush green fairways, tee boxes, and greens year-round. Overseeding is a technique used in warm climates such as Palm Springs, Scottsdale, Texas, and here. It takes place typically in the fall when temperatures begin to drop, especially during the evening hours. They replace the warm-weather Bermuda grass with a combination of rye and other blends that thrive in cooler temperatures when the Bermuda goes into dormancy or a no-growth stage. It’s then that the newly planted rye grass begins to dominate, creating optimum playing conditions all year long.

It’s not without its gamble. Course superintendents and their staff earn their keep during this period of time as it’s extremely labor intensive and expensive. Weather plays a big part in how successful this year’s overseeding will be. Too much heat or coldness can kill newly planted seed, thus requiring an additional treatment. Overseeding a golf course can cost between $50,000 to $100,000 depending on seed costs and how extensively each course applies it. Some elect to focus just on tee boxes and greens while others lay seed wall-to-wall. The process takes about two weeks to complete and about two more weeks after opening, when you’ll need to stay on the cart paths until the seed fully germinates.

You’ll notice from the chart that several courses in our area will remain open. That’s due to their choice of year-round grass blends, such as Bent grass, and/or due to more consistent temperatures in their area, so check the list and plan accordingly. The main thing to remember is that this process creates the value and quality of golf in our little paradise called southern Utah and Mesquite. We are truly blessed with so many beautiful golf courses to choose from within a 100-mile radius. Don’t forget to thank your superintendent next time you see him for the great work they do. It’s why we’re quickly becoming one of the world’s best places to live, visit, and retire! See ya on the links.

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