From Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Decorum Required,” Steve Bannon, Nazis, Ace of Base, “Star Wars,” and blaming nonvoters for things he doesn’t like
Do you know why people are protesting and are upset over the election of Donald Trump? It’s not just because a narcissistic man who’s notable for being ignorant is walking into the Oval Office. It’s because they’re goosestepping into the Oval Office. Another big juicy reason that a lot of Americans are still traumatized after discovering just how comfortable a little less than half of white America is with racism. Dave Chappelle had a point. But protest, they must. It’d be a lot nicer if a lot of them had also voted.
A lot of people were very silent in Germany during the early 1930s when they allowed a fascist to assume their highest office. We learned what happens from that. Silence will not be allowed now, but again, you should have voted. I know a lot of you wanted Bernie, but now you have Racist In Chief. Good job.
Trump and others say we should give him a chance, and within the first week he appoints an alt-right white nationalist as his chief strategist. Chance is up. It got the heil out of here. David Duke is doing cartwheels, which he should be given mad props for as that’s really difficult to execute while wearing a sheet.
A lot of people defend themselves as not being racist while they support racist messages. If you continue to listen to ’90s pop band Ace Of Base after discovering they’re a bunch of Swedish Nazis, you can be excused because “The Sign” is kinda catchy, though you might want to ask yourself, “What kind of sign are they singing about with such lovely harmonies?” If you make an alt-right, misogynist, anti-Semitic white nationalist the second most powerful person in the White House, you might be a racist. You might also want to take a closer look at yourself if you voted for this crap.
Steve Bannon took a leave from Breitbart to manage the Trump campaign. While running Breitbart, the publication ran such headlines as “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy,” “Bill Kriston: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew,” and “Lesbian Bridezillas Bully Bridal Shop Owner Over Religious Beliefs.” Even some conservatives formerly associated with Breitbart refer to it as a “hate site steeped in misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, white nationalism and anti-Semitism.” Even Glenn Beck finds Steve Bannon scary.
Bannon is quoted as saying, “What we need to do is bitch-slap the Republican Party,” and “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
Fear is definitely the strategy the future White House chief strategist used in the campaign. He will surely continue to use that as his strategy from the executive office. In case you didn’t see “Star Wars,” you need to take note of Yoda’s warning: “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” You do remember what happened to the republic in “Star Wars”? Democracy fell, the Senate was disbanded, Samuel L. Jackson got his hand chopped off, soldiers became lousy shots, Liam Neeson’s “particular set of skills” were useless, a heavy mouth-breather was in charge of the military, Obi Wan Kenobi aged 40 years in a span of 20, and Luke kissed his sister. Plus, it took the empire 20 years to build their wall, which was the Death Star, which got blown up a week after it’s completion, and I bet Darth Sidious claimed he was great at building things, too. I don’t want this to happen to America.
Quite frankly, Yoda is the only sentient being from a swamp I’d like to see as a part of this administration.
Creative note: I took creative license with the armband in the cartoon. I was sure it was on the right arm for some reason. Probably because the arm is “right.” I planned the layout for the cartoon with that. While drawing the cartoon I had to Google some images of Nazi uniforms (always fun) and discovered it was on the left. Now Nazis have another reason to hate me.
Today’s blog included Nazis, “Star Wars,” and Ace Of Base references. If you weren’t aware of the Ace Of Base Nazi thing until now, sorry to bring that to your attention. You already lost Chachi. Kinda ruins everything doesn’t it? You still have Yoda.
ok, now you’ve played the Nazi card. Add to that the racist card. So half the country is racist. Speaking of fear, you bring up 1930s Germany. Then we are destined for a right wing coup based on star wars mythology. Oh forgot, rationalizing the behavior of people that don’t vote. Hey you forgot the internment camps, or did I miss something. A great cartoonist let’s his image speak for itself. No explanations required. You are simply a left-wing propaganda machine that regurgitates the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC within 24-48 hours. Same old garbagio. You must enjoy it. I would say you are analogous to a political sadist. The conservative right really must have done you wrong at one point in your life.