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Tag: Constitution

Second Impeachment

Trump Is Throwing Away A Winning Hand

Hey, I can’t make this stuff up. It is too far beyond the pale, too far beyond reason. There is a reason why attorneys are warned that a man who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a client.
Democratic Socialists

January 20th, the United States Became a Socialist Country.

Democratic Socialists - Half of America view the Republic as under attack in the 2020 election by enemies both foreign and domestic.
Second Term

Integrity and the Constitution Can Yet Give an Honest 2020 Election

2020 Election - This election is no longer about Joe Biden and Donald Trump but is about the integrity of every American.
2020 Voting

Trump Goes Down Swinging

The Hill, a Washington, D.C. news site, reported that President Donald Trump is considering issuing an executive order that would end birthright citizenship.

Letter To The Editor: Pilgrims’

Yes, the pilgrims' story is mythology, but it is not baloney; it is a brief recounting of a historical event to emphasize the foundational philosophy
Supreme Court Judges

Reign of the Judges

Difficulty in reaching compromises has made Congress especially ineffective in addressing the increasing number of difficult social and moral issues that have come to public attention.
American Constitution

The Miracle of the U.S. Constitution

The genius of the American Constitution, other than harnessing the government rather than man, is that it incentivized individual labor and creativity which unleashed tools, which unleashed abundance as never before.
American Revolution

Directive Calls for NATIONWIDE MASS PROTEST September 5, 2020

This pre-election seizure of the White House is a threat to all Americans. We believe that it is designed to bait President Trump into aggressive action that is likely to result in injury or death to someone which would be used to propagandize for escalation.
Constitution Civil Liberty

The Constitution is Above My Pay Grade – Civil Liberty is...

Given the draconian measures used by Democratic governors denying civil liberties in their states, many Americans wonder why the Constitution isn’t protecting them as before. Civil Liberty Constitution
Trump Haters it is Time to Lay Down Your Arms

Trump Haters it is Time to Lay Down Your Arms

This is my 551st column on liberty and the Constitution, I know no-one more published on this topic. I lived under 13 presidents of the United States, all gave lip service to the Constitution but none followed it closely.