Biden Storm
Since Biden has been in office meat prices have soared: beef 59.2%, pork 34.1%, chicken 32%, fish 18%, and turkey 41.4%.  Eggs are now up by 31.7% and grain prices 98% (X22 Reports Episode 2574A Sept. 12, 2021).  When the George Soros funded riots move into the suburbs, look for truckers to cease deliveries to affected areas and skyrocketing price increases.

When Storms Are on the Horizon, the Wise Prepare

– By Harold Pease, Ph.D. –

September has been designated preparedness month. Anyone the least bit observant can see gigantic storms on the horizon. The nation is divided as in 1860, the year before the Civil War.  Few families can discuss politics around the dinner table, when everyone comes home, without someone getting angry. Few adults have not chosen one side or the other—there is no middle. There are no nonpartisan elected leaders, college professors, or even religious leaders, although this group mostly tries to keep their biases silent and focus on loving one another and Christ so that congregations do not divide and donations do not dry up.

One side condemns the riots of the summer of 2020 were burning, pillaging, and violence occurred.  The other called them “mostly peaceful demonstrations” and focus on the “insurrection” in the Capital building, January 6, although the supposed insurrectionists broke nothing nor hurt anyone.  No guns were found in their possession but unarmed Air Force veteran Ashly Babbitt was killed by capital police.  Films show them escorted into the building by capital police.  Eight months later some arrested, for essentially trespassing, remain in prison without trial.  Twice since fences have been erected around the capital to protect it from phantom insurrectionists.

One side indoctrinates themselves with primarily MSNBC and NBC, the other with Fox News and NewsMax. Today essentially all news is propaganda news.  The only break in this is when a hurricane comes through strong enough for the sides to lay down their weapons to barricade their communities from wind and flood.

One side believes COVID-19 was generated in part by American scientists including Anthony Fauci, in the Wuhan laboratory in China, and used to encourage shutdowns and thus mail-in ballots to elect Joe Biden.  That much surrounding the pandemic was used by the opposing political party, in conjunction with Big Tech and Big Pharma, to undermine the Constitution and freedom.  The other side views the above as disinformation and censors it all.

One side convinced that the other cheated in the election of 2020 and every election since, (two Georgia U.S. Senators and governor in California), insists on forensic 2020 audits in all battleground states.  They maintain that Donald Trump was rightfully elected president. They also maintain that the Space Force recorded every vote in every county in the nation and are proof positive that China electronically switched Trump votes to Biden.  If so, this brings treason into play.  The other side censors all such information and refuses all attempts to access ballots or Dominion voting machines to prove otherwise.

The long-awaited Arizona forensic audit, to come out September 24, is expected to produce fireworks when it discloses the above.  False flags (staged news events to fill the news cycle to bury this news) are expected; anything: death of a prominent political leader, an attack by China on Taiwan, hostage-taking of Americans left by Biden in Afghanistan, a mass shooting or bombing, anything, to keep the audit off the front page—even a news blackout to keep this story submerged.

When it does come to light expect cities to burn as in the summer of 2020 led by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and not just downtown.  Expect travel and commerce restrictions and delays. Expect food prices to escalate further. Since Biden has been in office meat prices have soared: beef 59.2%, pork 34.1%, chicken 32%, fish 18%, and turkey 41.4%.  Eggs are now up by 31.7% and grain prices 98% (X22 Reports Episode 2574A Sept. 12, 2021).  When the George Soros funded riots move into the suburbs, look for truckers to cease deliveries to affected areas and skyrocketing price increases.  Factory items, already backed up, could become unavailable.  Consider a red October and November and Marshall law in some cities in coming weeks.

Gather a few weeks or months supply of food and essentials for your families now, before preparing is called hoarding and made unlawful, also toilet paper and commonly used medications.  Store some water and warm clothing or blankets, should electricity be cut off for more than a few days or weeks.  Stock up on all those things that were scarce in the pandemic of 2020.  Silly!  Extreme!  Yes, but eventually if I am wrong, and I pray that I am, you will use these items anyway, so what do you have to lose?

If China was an accomplice intentionally bringing COVID to America and/or electing Joe Biden, both are acts of war and there will be repercussions to them which could escalate to more than just the information war we are now in.  As difficult as it is to think this way, consider enduring an EMP or nuclear exchange.

If these people risked treason by stealing the election they are not going to give it back without force.  And if we let them get away with it they will do it forever in the future.  When free elections vanish so do the Constitution and liberty.  The military, under devolution, will have to restore order and freedom.  When this is proved Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not likely to be in power long thereafter.

Collusion with an enemy country (China) is treason and those involved will have to be tried in military courts as enemy combatants under devaluation as outlined in two LibertyUnderFire previous columns.  The military may have to be in place several months before the lawful winner is more fully restored.

September has been designated preparedness month.  When storms are on the horizon, the wise prepare just in case.

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  1. Not saying Harold you are incorrect, although most of the time we disagree especially on election outcomes, but this articles is well written. The Boy Scout Motto (Can we still reference boy scout philosophy these days or is that bad now? OK – I do not care and just a joke but makes a point – lol)
    BE PREPARED should always be tantamount regardless of political instability , or Earthquake preparedness for all intensive purposes.
    The problem here is fear. F E A R.
    Fear and anger perpetuated by the technological shift that started 2 decades ago. As a result our linguistic metaphorical left brain has kicked the right brain almost out of existence. So here is help. Shut off media after you get the basic message. Do not stick around for the emotional diatribe part.. Read media more often instead of watching it on TV / video. Always remember to wait for the narrative to shift days, weeks, or months down the road and thus be skeptical from the start. Let it go but do not ignore it either. Lastly and most importantly find 20 min or more a day to clear your mind of thoughts and allow the right brain to refresh itself. This means put away the phone. Many ways to do this from meditation, biking, exercise, going for a hike in nature, listening to music, spending time playing with your kids,, or even gardening. Do this as a daily routine. As crazy as this sounds – after just a week you will feel a difference but discipline to do it every day is a must otherwise the left brain will smother out the effects. TUNE OUT TURN OFF, and let the words dissolve into the experience. Good luck.


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