Red Wave
Foreboding or not, it is a fitting conclusion to an election year that has been bloody from top to bottom and could get bloodier than a MASH unit in a few days if the former president decides to run again.

Bloody Red Election

– By Ed Kociela –

Somehow, it is appropriate that voters awoke this morning to a Bloody Red Moon, a spectacular lunar eclipse that darkened our skies.

As far as omens go, I am sure there are plenty of people on both sides of the political spectrum who look at it as being foreboding.

Foreboding or not, it is a fitting conclusion to an election year that has been bloody from top to bottom and could get bloodier than a MASH unit in a few days if the former president decides to run again. He is, of course, zero for two in the standings, having lost both times in the popular vote. He snuck in the first time with an Electoral College win that was not indicative of the general voting population. To put it into sports terms, he won ugly.

Today’s results promise to be no better; however, they turn.

Because of how whacked our elections have become, I have no confidence in figuring out who wins the roses today and who will be pricked by the thorns. I suspect it will be a little bit of both.

Both sides have made some major tumbles.

The Republicans have marched forward on the backs of a surprising number of candidates who are still election deniers, folks who believe the great cabal manipulated the vote against the man with the blood-red MAGA hat. They put a lot of confidence in a former athlete from Georgia who leads the league in hypocrisy. Then there’s the mess in Pennsylvania, where another failed reality TV star is trying to tip the scales in his favor. A lot of money and celebrity firepower has been expended in that race alone.

The Democrats have done themselves no favors, either.

They bet the farm that voters would care about preserving our democracy. Sadly, it hasn’t been a factor this cycle. They tried to make it a referendum on abortion and women’s rights, but, we have seen that push lose steam, ignoring the rights of half of all voters. They also failed to remember the admonition of Bill Clinton’s brilliant strategist James Cargille, whose mantra was “It’s the economy, stupid,” which gave them back-to-back wins.

The Democrats, with their lily-livered temperament, are already making excuses, saying, “You know, the incumbent party, whoever it may be, usually loses some seats in the House during the midterms.”

Historically that is true, especially in recent history.

However, why concede that fact instead of exploiting it robustly with a determined, sensible strategy? You’ve got to have something more than two former presidents on the stump leading the cheers, along with a retired talk show hostess who created one of the monsters on the bill. They needed a focused attack, a real understanding of the issues that could energize their base while the Republicans did their chest-thumping.

Oddsmakers are telling us the Democrats should hold onto the Senate. The House is another matter, with them needing to nearly run the table to hang on to their advantage. There was a time when political scholars could fairly well predict such things, I’ll leave it to the bookmakers because everything is so topsy-turvy, and they usually have great insight into such things. Students of the game have got to relinquish all of their previous knowledge and experience because it has changed so much that predictions are increasingly difficult to nail down.

Plus, there is also the specter of Donald Trump waiting in the wings. Should Republicans win the House, you will definitely see him enter the 2024 race very soon because a House win for the GOP pretty much grinds the wheels of justice, powering the House Committee on the Jan. 6 terrorist attacks on the Capitol to a halt, making it an issue for the Department of Justice and the local jurisdictions – primarily in New York and Georgia where the most serious investigations of criminal activity by the former president are deeply rooted. Then, of course, it becomes a practical matter of the courts doing their legal thing at judicial speed, which can be agonizingly slow or painfully fast, depending on which table you sit at during trial.

A lot also rests on the lingering embarrassment of a United States Supreme Court heavily stacked by the Republicans with immense personal debt resting on the shoulders of a couple of these GOP puppets who have already shown that they serve the body politic instead of the Constitution, liberty, and democracy. Plus of course, the abhorrent behavior of Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, who has her hands sticky from so many far-right payouts, including some her husband conveniently forgot to include when preparing their tax liability.

As you watch the results trickle in tonight, you will hear how the voters are giving a mandate to one side or the other.

Don’t buy into it.

Regardless of how this plays, you must first understand that what is taking place here is the result of a “Me first” mentality where voters don’t give a whit about the state of the nation, preferring to, instead, vote for whoever lines their pockets the most regardless of the general outcome.

Yes, Americans have become that selfish, that very much self-centered, that the welfare of the nation is secondary to how many toys they can buy while the rest of us be damned.

There has also been a lot of hype regarding this being the most important election of our lifetime.

Sorry, but they are all important, midterm or not because we are the United States, supposedly the beacon of democracy, liberty, and freedom. How we conduct ourselves is supposed to serve as a benchmark for other nations.

We have spent two years trying to rebuild that image in a world that came to look upon us as a laughingstock when our president insulted Una Merkel, Queen Elizabeth II, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, and others while sidling up to Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un.

The world will be watching.

How will we respond?

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Ed Kociela
Ed Kociela has won numerous awards from the Associated Press and Society of Professional Journalists. He now works as a freelance writer based alternately in St. George and on The Baja in Mexico. His career includes newspaper, magazine, and broadcast experience as a sportswriter, rock critic, news reporter, columnist, and essayist. His novels, "plygs" and "plygs2" about the history of polygamy along the Utah-Arizona state line, are available from online booksellers. His play, "Downwinders," was one of only three presented for a series of readings by the Utah Shakespeare Festival's New American Playwright series in 2005. He has written two screenplays and has begun working on his third novel. You can usually find him hand-in-hand with his beloved wife, Cara, his muse and trusted sounding board.


  1. How will we respond? Lines were a little long at the Dixie Center around noon, but the election volunteers were doing an outstanding job keeping things moving. How do we respond? WE VOTE. Live with it. As far as voters being blamed for everything just consider the statements of Democratic supporters with Nationally syndicated TV shows like Sunny Houston and her reference comparing Republican Women to Cockroaches just a few days ago. THAT’S YOUR PARTY DUDE… Drink your own kool-aid and enjoy the fruits of a party on the verge of mitosis. Let’s note whatever happens tonight, it is the will of the American people, and not some Russian boogeyman. God Bless America

  2. The people voted and the sun as usual rose in the East this morning and no blood was spilt. There was an eclipse yesterday. Like Howard’s article the other week just maybe we can be more civil, less vitriolic, and a little more dignified next time around in regards to communication. Peace out.

  3. By the way, thank Senator Lindsay Graham back in September and his National Abortion legislative activity for making Abortion rights front and center in this election. No doubt he poured gasoline on the fire along with a few other Republicans that did the public media happy dance earlier in the year after the SCOTUS decision. As Ben Shapiro put it… the Red wave turned into the red wedding. (See Game of Throwns) But more appropriate – the red wave became a red ripple as Abortion rights turned the tide into a wash out. Coming days and a likely Georgia runoff will determine the final outcome.

  4. Monday morning quarterback observation. 2022 Gen Z – Great Midterm Ruse… Gen Z turnout was big this time. Seems student loan debt relief was major driver. Of course this manipulation was unconstitutional all along as only the legislative branch has the power to deliver this promise. The classic old soda pop in the drinking fountain promise from highschool student council elections worked. No doubt this ruse delivered many votes throughout the country from the youngier demographic constituency and some millineals as well. The refund website setup for this program was also genius. Have to admit this political con job deserves recognition and played out brilliantly as a likely game changer in this election outcome. P oli T ical Barnumomics at its,best!


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